Home, Sweet Home!

I’m back! After nearly four weeks of little to no internet (or computers for that matter) I’m finally back in Sweden. If I have any readers from Ecuador I’d just like to say that you have an amazingly beautiful country – I spent 2 of those four weeks first driving through your highlands and then sailing around Galapagos and I took so many pictures my 32GB memory card ran out of space half-way through (granted, there were some old pictures left on the card before I started, but still!).


Now I just have to type up the meager stuff I managed to write while on the move, finish both a DD and a WN chapter, update the chapter queue, do something about the fact that my domain provider has been sold to a company with worse deals, read all your comments from while I was gone and the start the slow but steady progress of catching up to the amount of sponsored chapters…. Yeay! ^.^

So, fingers-crossed, I’ll be done with one WN chapter tonight and a DD sometime tomorrow. If I don’t get the WN chapter out tonight (pushing its release until Saturday), I can’t promise that the DD one will be done tomorrow, meaning that it will instead come out on Monday (I’m spending Sunday at a spa with a friend as our combined birthday gifts ^.^).

Great to be back!

EDIT: The currently sponsor’s chapter will be released to all tonight but I’m not sure if the new sponsor’s chapter will be out tonight or tomorrow (fingers crossed!!). The above information about the DD chapter is still correct though…

7 thoughts on “Home, Sweet Home!

  1. divineeditingskills

    Welcome back! It sounds like you got home just in time to enjoy some snowfall!

    Sorry we haven’t done a better job maintaining the stuff on the ground, though :/

    Liked by 2 people

      1. divineeditingskills

        I’m sorry :/ We really did try, though; we even had snowplows moving snow from the road to piles along the sidewalk so that it wouldn’t melt as fast, but in the end it wasn’t enough.

        I considered saving some in my freezer for you, but I had Christmas bread in there, and I just … I wasn’t strong enough!

        Liked by 2 people

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