New Release: V.4, Ch.97

Tada, here is Chapter 97: Awakening – enjoy!
As always, a big thank you to the chapter’s sponsor, who, for the 8th time in a row, is S. Ceniza – thank you!!!

I thought I was catching up with the donations but then people got generous yet again so that gap has increased once more! I’m flattered, thankful and slightly terrified – all at the same time 😉


On another note: how much commercial are people seeing on this site? I don’t see any from my side, but since it’s a free blog wordpress might add some. It would be interesting to know how often they do this.

9 thoughts on “New Release: V.4, Ch.97

  1. Thisn'tme

    Typically, on mobile at least, there’s the one non-intrusive ad at the end of each post, right before the comment section.
    I think there should be ways of either enabling or disabling the WordPress ads on the site? Though if there is, I’d just keep them on- no harm, no foul, and a bit of ad revenue for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, the current adds send all revenue to WordPress – if I want to turn them off/get my share, I have to pay for it (or switch to a self-hosted version). That’s why I’m wondering how much people are seeing so I can decide if I should change anything ^.^


      1. Thisn'tme

        If that’s the case, then I’d suggest taking the time to calculate whether you have enough site traffic to actually profit from paying for the WordPress ad revenue/self hosted site.
        Always the option of asking some other bloggers on the block about it as well. Seems the WordPress community is fairly open when it comes to other users.


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